
Let Us Help You To Have A Baby Through IMSI

Posted on June 19, 2017. By Admin

IMSI (intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection) is a modified form of ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic sperm injection selected). It is a laboratory technique, which is used during IVF treatment and contains sperm inserting into the egg.

What is IMSI?

IMSI is a method in which sperm is selected before performing micro injection and is performing by using an inverted microscope with an ability to provide greater magnifying power (around 6000 times) than the normal microscope used in reproductive laboratories (400 times).

An inverted microscope helps biologists to see internal morphology of the sperm and remove those having some abnormalities. Biologists can identify minor defects in the sperm head which is not visible with standard ICSI. It is believed that selecting sperm without performing any kind of morphological alterations is increasing the possibility of successful implantation and reduce the possibility of miscarriage.

IMSI, ICSI techniques is suitable for the person if he has a low number of sperm count or mortality that permits number of sperm available for performing technique. This technique may increase the chances of normal fertilization and embryo development, if the person has high number of abnormal sperms and his previous result of IVF with ICSI was negative. IMSI may improve the possibility of in vitro fertilization and can be used if having many unsuccessful in vitro fertilization attempts.

IMSI, ICSI techniques is suitable for the person if he has a low number of sperm count or mortality that permits number of sperm available for performing technique. This technique may increase the chances of normal fertilization and embryo development, if the person has high number of abnormal sperms and his previous result of IVF with ICSI was negative. IMSI may improve the possibility of in vitro fertilization and can be used if having many unsuccessful in vitro fertilization attempts.

  • Person has very low number of sperm
  • High number of abnormal sperm
  • Have poor results with previous ICSI treatments

Genesis fertility research centre, situated in the Maaruthi medical centre and hospitals, Erode provides infertility treatment in Tamil Nadu. The fertility center has latest equipment’s and techniques for performing IMSI. The hospital has qualified doctors to perform the process and a high success ratio.